Saturday 2 July 2016


My trip back home was interesting. Since the million steps down and the 999999 steps back up from the white water rafting experience, my legs stopped working and the pain stopped my knees from behaving normally. The outcome of this was I was walking like I had cerebral palsy or spina bifida - not an act, I just couldn't bend my knees and often found myself falling over nothing standing still. Taking steps up or down was excruciating - I no longer have the knees of the woman I was - I now have the knees of a much older sicker person.

I was very interested to notice how I was treated by the Garuda staff and other travelers. People still pushed past me - walked in front of me causing me to suddenly stop and grip the wall. The flight staff talked to me like I was an idiot. So I thought that was interesting.

The flight was torture.... just as I would fall asleep, literally just fell off to sleep, BEEP BEEP, some crazy person called the airline stewards and the lights would blaze down - and everytime it happened I said "Whaaa??!" This may have been an incentive.

Then my least favourite thing in the world to do... waiting for my bags to come off the plane. I hate that.
Of course the facial recognition software at customs never recognizes me, so there was lots of standing... then..... because I filled in my customs card with care and declared my wooden stuff, the guy says "no I don't want to look at it, just tell me".

Then he wanted to look at my shoes. (?)

Then I was free to go home at last.

Daph has not left my side since I got back.
She just keep purring.

Great to be home - I think the 12 days was slightly too long. But I'm still keen to go over seas next year - but I might need to give Bali a break. USA or Europe? Let's see if I can get the $$$ together.

Signing off
Vic Farrell's obsession with Bali is now terminated.

Friday 1 July 2016

Counting down

Another 30 mins and I call a taxi to take me to the airport.

My flight is at 11.50pm

Then another 6 hours and I'll see my schnookie.

Can't wait!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Gun shots

Well, today is my last day and I can't wait to get home. I'm finally over the " you want taxi, yes please?" and... "excuse me yes please see my shopping" and "you want massage?" and proceeds to massage me after I told her to, quite clearly, GO AWAY!
Most of the stores have the same garbage in them... Bintang teeshirts, penis shaped bottle openers, crappy watches and lighters and old bottles of perfume.
I think you could make a lot of money selling teeshirts with "No! I don't want a taxi" or "No! I don't want to buy your crappy stuff", written on them in Indonesian.
I have also learnt a lot about elephants. Their feces is the size of coconuts and sound like gun shots when they hit the ground.

Why my legs really hurt.

To start with, I had a foot massage last night due to long walks on the beach and shopping. The massage has resulted in bruises today.

Then I went white water rafting... after taking about 5 million stairs down to the river. I discovered a muscle in my thigh I didn't know I had.

At one point we jumped out of the raft to have a swim, which was great... except... when I jumped in, I was expecting the water to be about waist height since everyone was standing around in it up to their waists.

The spot I jumped into was about 2 metres deep and I disappeared under the water, glasses and all. The ID bracelet they gave me to access my locker floated off down the river.

Then after about 2 hours of enjoying the rapids we had to walk up MORE STAIRS!!!!

Not as many stairs as I walked down (so they tell me) but I reckon is was about 4,999, 999! I  was so slow and looked like I was having a heart attack climbing the stairs. My legs were like jelly. BUT the biggest shame to me was the little old lady who was about 100 years old had to climb all the stairs (everyday, supposedly) with the entire deflated raft ON HER HEAD!!!!

Yeah, so that was embarrising.

Then after we had a shower and got changed we went to the Elephant reserve. I was worried that it might be a bit depressing seeing elephants used as a tourist gimmick, but I was pleasantly surprised. The mahout were so caring and gentle and the elephants seemed really happy and healthy. The recently had 4 babies.. so that's a good sign.

Below are some photos of me with Mona. Mona's mahout is not very good with the camera phone but you can see it's me.

Mona likes noms.

Then we all went on a ride around the park - took about 15 minutes, but the old girls like to stop every now and then for snacks.

Then dinner under the stars and now I'm back in Kuta in my hotel bed looking forward to zzzz.

Luwak Coffee

I like coffee. But the acclaimed 'most expensive coffee in the world'  - luwak coffee, is quite simply awful.
It looks and tastes like diarrhea.  It has things floating in it!!! And beads of oil... ergh!
But I LOVE the luwak. Can you see these these goregous little creatures anywhere?

Nope. They had 2 cranky ones in a cage at a coffee plantation which I wasn't allowed to pat due to the likelihood of them taking one of my fingers off.

Last year I met a luwak on Kuta beach. It was a Lombok mongoose and a pet on a leash. everyone was wanting a pat. It was a schnookie! And I wants one!

Here is a picture of one:

Little fella!

Wednesday 29 June 2016

No Bees

Had a good sleep in this morning. But once I stept out of my room there was a cleaner guy saying "hello, hello, clean your room"... crikey was he just standing there waiting the whole time?

The breakfast fair has not changed from last year mi goreng and banana pancakes. Sad to see the bees are no longer hanging around the pineapple jam.

Gili Bum & Road Kill

You have heard of Bali Belly - I have Gili Bum: diarrhea and sore pelvis from riding a push bike along roads carefully carved into undulating bumps and holes to maximise bum impact  on bike seat.

I blame the horses. It's their hooves that dig up the sand on the roads.

Another thing I noticed while in Bali and Gili, there are no dead animals along the side of the roads. I told my taxi drivers that in Australia "road kill" is common everywhere - but not here.

Because, I believe, Indonesian drivers are very careful (Hati Hati) and generous. Australians just mow everything down in front of them.

In Tasmania we saw lots of dead things on the side of the road, and heart-breakingly I saw a quoll! Never seen on in the wild. Only dead on the side of the road.


When I got off the 'fast boat' at Padung Bai all the taxi drivers and locals with snacks to dell gathered at the dock to meet us... which was not the most practical set up... the jetty was so crowded someone wad nearly pushed into the water (not me this time).

After 9 days of eating healthy food (mainly because nothing else was available) I figured... what the hey... I'll have pringles - the nerd snack.


Small child came to mind.


Question: where is the other sock?

Answer: off the north west shore of Lombok.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Don't book ahead!

The lesson I learned on these holidays was... 'Don't book ahead'. The hotel that was booked was nothing like the photos and the trip back to Bali from Gili was impossibly difficult to find. It would have been easier to wing it and find the ticket once I needed it.

This morning I got up early to be at the dock at 9am. After going all over the place looking for the company who I had bought the ticket from... turned out that it was the SAME GUY I was talking to yesterday when I was pushed off the bike by the horse.

The email I got back from them company was "come down at 9am"

But when I did... I discovered that I was two and a half hours too early! 

Stitch Up!

Yep. I have had to take 3 extra taxi rides today.... back to hotel and back to dock.
That horse knew EXACTLY what it was doing.
*voice of horse*
"She's about to find out where to catch the boat back to Bali, quick, knock her off her bike, keep her in a constant state of perplexity.  She'll have ride back and forth all morning."

As long as it spends its extra money on healthy stuff and not blow it all on sugar lumps.

Bike Accident

So I came off my bike today. I was standing still talking to a guy about my ferry trip to tomorrow back to Kuta, when I was pushed over by a horse.


I got pushed over by a horse.

Everyone came running to help me.... OMG middle aged woman trampled by horse..... and I was on the ground laughing.

The only accident I have had on holiday (so far) was ludicrous.... and harmless.

In other news: I tried to photograph the preying mantis on my bath gel but it was hard to get his best side.... he kept rubbing his face.

I did get a picture of the resident kitty cat here who made himself at home on my lap.

Monday 27 June 2016

Bikes, paints, sleepy kayak owners and waiters.

Woke at 4am as usual... stupid samsung phone thought it was 6am... it KNOWS what time it is here.

Anyway, got up and hired a bike... breakfast was a while away and i figured a paddle before breakfast... no sign of kayak man. So at 8am i go have french toast for breaky on the beach and head over to kayak man again.... no sign of him!

So i decided to keep riding.... except for a few metres having to push the bike along a rock wall on the outside of a resort while waves crash over you, it is possible to ride around the whole island in an hour.

Got back very hot... jumped in the pool.

How awesome is that?!

Did a painting which attracted the interest of all the cute waiters.

Cats on the Beach!

My two favourite things together at last!

Check out this site: Cats of Gili


Well, it's my first time off Bali and I am experiencing my first diarrhea. I have only eaten at the very classy restaurant attached to my hotel: The Pearl of Trawangan. I did have some ginger tea at the spa but that shouldn't be a problem... what about that pina colada??? hmmm....

My legs are covered in raised red spots.

Who knows what it is.

Once the sun went down, pussy cats emerged miaoing all over the place. Adorable - but no one pats them or anything. When you give them a pat they purr and just love the attention - so affectionate.
Don't worry - I used the hand sanitisor after each pat - I'm not an idiot.

I went to the spa and had a 'salt scrub' - where they rub salt ALL over you. It was an abrasive experience. Then a massage. It was pretty good. An amazing view of the mountains of Lombok through the window.

This place is VERY touristy. After a week in Amed, I feel like I'm in down town New York City - actually more of a European city since most of the tourists are speaking German/French/other Euro accented English.

Tomorrow I'm hiring a push bike and a sea kayak  - I'm gonna be like Lyle Lovette only with a bike on a kayak instead of a pony and a boat.

Now I'm stuck listening Lyle Lovett songs on You Tube.... this is gonna take a while.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Pearl of Trawagan

Really nice spot. No motorbikes allowed.

Open bathroom.

Amazing restaurant on the beach.

Gili Trawagan

Made it on the fast boat to Gili islsnds off Lombok. The boat was very fast, I thought it would take hours but I'm here before lunch.... and starving.

The boat wasn't unsafe at all, but the boat company logo is a fish wearing a snorkle. Hmmmm....

There was an amazing view of Mt Agung from off shore where the clouds curled around it just like the Indonesian illustrations.

If you do plan to go by fast boat... wear bare legs and feet. Getting on and off involves walking in knee deep water and catching you luggage as it is passed/chucked down to you.

Usually when I get off one form of transport I am bombarded with taxi offers. But there I was on the beach with all my luggage standing in wet pants and shoes.

Dragged everything through a wurang and got on a taxi pulled by a pony. Poor little guy.

Michael Buble

I have heard this song at least 4 times every day for a week.

I never want to hear it ever again.