Thursday 30 June 2016

Why my legs really hurt.

To start with, I had a foot massage last night due to long walks on the beach and shopping. The massage has resulted in bruises today.

Then I went white water rafting... after taking about 5 million stairs down to the river. I discovered a muscle in my thigh I didn't know I had.

At one point we jumped out of the raft to have a swim, which was great... except... when I jumped in, I was expecting the water to be about waist height since everyone was standing around in it up to their waists.

The spot I jumped into was about 2 metres deep and I disappeared under the water, glasses and all. The ID bracelet they gave me to access my locker floated off down the river.

Then after about 2 hours of enjoying the rapids we had to walk up MORE STAIRS!!!!

Not as many stairs as I walked down (so they tell me) but I reckon is was about 4,999, 999! I  was so slow and looked like I was having a heart attack climbing the stairs. My legs were like jelly. BUT the biggest shame to me was the little old lady who was about 100 years old had to climb all the stairs (everyday, supposedly) with the entire deflated raft ON HER HEAD!!!!

Yeah, so that was embarrising.

Then after we had a shower and got changed we went to the Elephant reserve. I was worried that it might be a bit depressing seeing elephants used as a tourist gimmick, but I was pleasantly surprised. The mahout were so caring and gentle and the elephants seemed really happy and healthy. The recently had 4 babies.. so that's a good sign.

Below are some photos of me with Mona. Mona's mahout is not very good with the camera phone but you can see it's me.

Mona likes noms.

Then we all went on a ride around the park - took about 15 minutes, but the old girls like to stop every now and then for snacks.

Then dinner under the stars and now I'm back in Kuta in my hotel bed looking forward to zzzz.

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