Wednesday 29 June 2016

Gili Bum & Road Kill

You have heard of Bali Belly - I have Gili Bum: diarrhea and sore pelvis from riding a push bike along roads carefully carved into undulating bumps and holes to maximise bum impact  on bike seat.

I blame the horses. It's their hooves that dig up the sand on the roads.

Another thing I noticed while in Bali and Gili, there are no dead animals along the side of the roads. I told my taxi drivers that in Australia "road kill" is common everywhere - but not here.

Because, I believe, Indonesian drivers are very careful (Hati Hati) and generous. Australians just mow everything down in front of them.

In Tasmania we saw lots of dead things on the side of the road, and heart-breakingly I saw a quoll! Never seen on in the wild. Only dead on the side of the road.

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